DAYLIGHT | One of the greatest things of Studio Scheef is the amount of daylight that is coming in. The option to use the full spectrum of the roof or to partially blind the roof, makes this studio unique and wonderful to work in. Image-makers love light and the possibility to form it, to do this there are numerous black and white polyboards to bounce and stop the light. On cloudy days the light delivery is around F4’0/60s/iso100. On sunny days this is around F5’6/250s/iso100
AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT | Tripod - Hensel lights - Softboxes + Manfrotto light stands | Standard Reflectors | LEE color filters | Polyboards | Work tables | Chairs | Extension cords | Clamps | Bluetooth Sound installation | Wi-Fi
FLOORPLAN | The photography space, the make-up and styling area, the upstairs and the coffee area are all in one open space. We carry the option to separate these spaces with standing polyboards to create the intimacy you desire. The Studio is 9m x 7,5m x 5m high | The Make-Up and Styling area is 2,5m x 4m | Upstairs 3m x 4m | Coffee area is 4m x 4m

BACKGROUNDS | Studio Scheef is a clean studio with a sharp grey + white floor & white walls. We have several coloured paper backdrops in offer and we have different floor panels to design your set. Please let us know your special wishes so we can make you an appropriate offer.
COFFEE AREA | The tender spot. While enquiring, a good seat with meals and beverages steer to good relations, laughter and joy. That’s what we believe in, this importance results in satisfying content.
UPSTAIRS | The entresol offers a place to drink something and have some fresh air near the window. It is the den to oversee the studio and privately interact with one another. We wind and unwind, relax and exchange the ideas that brings us together, closer to the visions we have in mind.